District 6 Indonesia's Super Rich

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VIVAnews - The operation of large-scale enterprise in an area contribute greatly to the local revenue. No exception to a number of districts / cities in several regions in Indonesia.

Six districts in Indonesia has recorded the highest income per capita. It reflects the income per capita gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of each district / city.

Six districts / cities with the largest per capita income it recorded an average GDP per capita above Rp100 million. District's portion is a region which has mining, gold, copper, coal, petroleum and gas. However, some service center, as well as the cigarette industry became the economic lifeblood of the region.

GDP is the value of all goods and services produced by a country / region at a certain period. GDP is one method for calculating national income / regions.

VIVAnews Based on data collected from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in August 2010 edition, Bontang in East Kalimantan in 2009 recorded the highest GDP per capita.

1. Bontang, East Kalimantan
Colliery Bontang GDP per capita amounted to Rp368, 05 million. Bontang is located about 120 kilometers from Samarinda was directly adjacent to the East Kutai regency in the north and west, south of Regency, and the Makassar Strait to the east. East Kalimantan is a province that provides the highest salary or wages to employees both nationally or labor, that is Rp2, 15 million per month.

A number of large companies operating in this city, among Badak NGL (natural gas), East Kalimantan Fertilizer (fertilizer and ammonia), and Indominco Mandiri (coal). Bontang also has a petrochemical industrial area and is oriented city in the industrial, services, and trade.
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2. Mimika District, Papua

Mimika regency in Papua during 2009 recorded a GDP per capita Rp295, 05 million. In Timika, Mimika regency of capital that operates one of the world's largest gold mine, PT Freeport Indonesia. Salary or the average wage received by an employee or laborer in Papua is also the highest in Indonesia, namely: Rp2, 16 million per month.
Mining activities in the field owned Freeport gold mine in Papua.
Based on data from BPK audit results to the Central Government Financial Report 2009, Mimika District recorded Rp424 revenue sharing funds, 33 billion. However, raising funds for the results were still lower than the Bontang which reached Rp476, 83 billion.

3. Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta

GDP per capita is the third highest in Central Jakarta that reached Rp224, 41 million. As the capital's central government, Central Jakarta benefited with the development of business transactions and services. Wage or the average salary received by employees, workers or workers in Jakarta, is high, namely Rp1, 92 million per month. Jakarta traffic jam

4. Kediri, East Java

Suharti (57) showed that tobacco products on the market Pahing Gudang Garam, Kediri. Meanwhile, City of Kediri in East Java recorded a GDP per capita Rp202, 33 million, ranked the fourth largest. In the town of clove cigarette factories that operate large PT Gudang Garam Tbk, which last year recorded revenues Rp32, 97 trillion.

5. Siak District, Riau

offshore oil refineries in the next sequence, in Riau Siak GDP per capita recorded Rp156, 35 millions. No company stands out in the area, despite excellent potency of this area is petroleum mining sector.

Siak Regency also has the strategic potential of the region are considering a triangular area of economic growth "Sijori" Singapore-Johor-Riau and IMG-GT (Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Growth Triangle).

With a distance of just 150 kilometers from the Singapore, Siak advantages as alternative stopover for merchant vessels in the Straits of Malacca and even potentially be a relocation of industry and international trade services.

However, for revenue sharing funds, ranked as the fourth largest Siak or reached Rp993, two billion. Receipt of funds for the results of this Siak only lost to Labour, East Kalimantan Rp2, 56 trillion, Bengkalis (Riau) Rp1, 51 trillion, and Kutai Timur (Kaltim) Rp1, 05 trillion.

6th. West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara

Concentrator Batu Hijau, Sumbawa, owned by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara other district was able to GDP is above Rp100 million West Sumbawa regency in East Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). GDP per capita in the area district that operates a large mining company, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) was reached Rp128, 26 million.

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