3 Error Saving

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KOMPAS.com - Saving money may have become our habit childhood. However, in reality, we still frequently make mistakes while saving up to now. What are some common mistakes that often occur about saving money?

1. Waiting for the remaining money
Once you get a paycheck, the money should be directly debited to your savings, you spend the rest new. If you wait for the rest of the money, you are more easily tempted to spend money that could be misconstrued as "money left" is.

2. Have only one account
With only one account, you will not know how much money you've mixed the tube due to daily expenses. Worse yet, you're tempted to spend more because they feel there is still money. With separate accounts, you are more easily control the money savings.
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3. Withdraw money at the beginning
His intention was only to take a little, but if this is done every week, over time your money will not breed your goal probably will not be achieved. To minimize this, use a separate account and do not ask for ATM facilities.

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