Repeat for Muslims Support Obama

0 komentar - U.S. President Barack Obama reiterated that Muslims have the right to build a mosque near Ground Zero, New York.

At a press conference on Friday (10/09/2010) local time, as reported VOA (Voice of America) in its Internet pages, Obama said, Americans are entitled to freedom of religion. That means, if people can build a church or other place of worship in a particular location, then the Muslims should also be able to build a mosque.

Critics said the proposed development of Islamic cultural center near the site where once stood the World Trade Center twin towers were not honoring the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Obama said he recognizes extraordinary sensitivity of coordinated attacks on September 11, 2001 by Al-Qaeda. However, he emphasized, America is not fighting against Islam, but against the terrorist organizations which, in his words, "distort Islam" or "abusing Islam" to perform destructive actions.
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According to Obama, Americans must be clear about who the enemy and can not distinguish between American Muslims and Americans of other religions.

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